The "Fundamentals of Field Emission Scanning
Electron Microscopy (FESEM)" is a comprehensive online course designed to
provide participants with a deep understanding of the principles, techniques,
and applications of FESEM in modern scientific research and industry. FESEM is
a powerful imaging technique that allows for high-resolution imaging of samples
at nanometer scale, making it an indispensable tool in various fields such as
materials science, biology, nanotechnology, and more. This course will cover
the theoretical foundations, practical aspects, and hands-on training required
to effectively operate and interpret FESEM results.
Course Outline:
1: Introduction to FESEM
Overview of electron microscopy techniques
Basic principles of FESEM
Comparison between conventional SEM and FESEM
Evolution and advancements in FESEM technology
2: Instrumentation and Components
Overview of FESEM instrument components
Electron gun and source
Electron optics and column design
Detectors and signal processing
3: Sample Preparation
Importance of sample preparation in FESEM
Techniques for sample fixation, dehydration, and
Critical point drying and freeze drying
Sample mounting and considerations for different
sample types
4: Imaging Modes and Techniques
Secondary Electron (SE) imaging
Backscattered Electron (BSE) imaging
Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
EDS mapping and elemental analysis
Low vacuum and environmental imaging
Electron beam-sample interactions
Resolution limits and factors affecting resolution
Imaging conditions for high-resolution imaging
Sample charging and mitigation techniques